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6 More Retirement Stories


Sept 14.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter.  Here is our 3rd and final installment of  interesting retirement stories. One thing is for certain - everyone has different and unique experiences!

See the "Best of Retirement Experiences" article below - we need your help!

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Located at the top of the Keys is Key Largo, the famous haven for fishing, snorkeling, and relaxing.  Miami is an easy day trip, yet you wouldn't know it.
One of the suggestions we've received is to emphasize activities and experiences in retirement. So here's a starting point: please share some of the best experiences you have had in retirement - best cruise, best bucket list item, top volunteer job, best time with a grandchild, etc. We've supplied a few ideas, and when you add yours in the Comments we will create an article(s) that sharethem.
This is the largest city and the capitol of Wyoming. There is a community college. Frontier Days and the rodeo are something to look forward to. Did we mention Wyoming has no income tax?
In this installment you will here from  6 of our Members. The Rev. Nancy officiates weddings in Vieques (P.R.), Ben loves Greenville, NC, Christina thinks Sun City Texas is tops, Dennis moved from a CA retirement community to a college town and loves it, Craig rents out his house in Marco Island during the summer, and Kent spent a long time successfully planning hisretirement.
Forward this to a friend.   If you have friends thinking about retirement, please forward them this newsletter. They can get their own subscription to this free weekly "Best Places" newsletter, the Daily Digest, and the East and West New Community newsletters by going to our Newsletter sign up page.


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